Saturday, October 29, 2005

corruption at the very highest levels

Senator John Kerry said that the indictment of Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff was "evidence of White House corruption at the very highest levels."

Not meaning to downplay any wrong doing, but if this is the worst this administration has done...mis-speaking the name of a CIA employee, who was not on assignment under cover, then his head has corrosion at the very highest level. WHERE WAS THIS FREAKING RETARD FROM 1992-2000 WHEN BILL AND HILLARY RAN ROUGHSHOD OVER ANYTHING AND ANY LAW THAT STOOD IN THEIR WAY?

Where was he when FBI files were lost and found int he WHite House of Bill and Hillary? Where was he when Rose Law Firm records were mis-placed and found after enought time had passed to remove any wrong-doing, again, in the White House of Bill and Hillary? Where was he when a majority of the previous administration were arrested on charges relating to the administration, and those that indicated a possibility of turning mysteriously died?

Kerry, shut up and crawl back in your hole.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

video of a soldier getting hit

I don't recommend snooping around the sight; it is pretty gruesome. But, you gotta see this video.

This is filmed in Bagdad in July.

The soldier gets shot, but his armor protection keeps him from being injured, other than getting knocked down. He gets back up and seeks protection.

The video was taken by the terrorists. Another terrorist in a van 75 yards away shot the soldier with a sniper rifle.

After the shooting, the sniper was captured and treated for injuries by the very troops he shot. We are there to bring order to the country. Once we establish a government, then they can take care of their own terrorists.

One more thing. If these people don't get their act together after the sacrifice our country has made for them, I have no problems turning the entire thing over to Israel and allowing them to take whatever land and using whatever means they feel necessary.

No greater love is shown than for a person to lay down their life for another. The love is even greater when it is for a stranger. And, that is even inflated more when you know the stranger may try to kill you.

Jesus is the Son of God. He came from heaven, suffered the pain of the cross because He loves us. He was our enemy because we were born in sin and He was born sinless. And, yet, He laid down His life for us, so that we could be reconciled to God. If you reject His completely paid for salvation, you have no claim for mercy when you are judged and cast in to hell.

Things I want to do

A friend of mine...never met in person, just spoke to over the net...Slade Ham, posted this and inspired me.

He posted "My Favorite Things": and you will find it.

His list started:
-Skydiving, and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with having survived a three-mile fall at over 110 mph
-Listening to Collective Soul’s “Tokyo” while circling over Tokyo
-My tree house
-The magic of watching a comedian pull off a flawless show
-Being “that” comedian

Rather than hack, I will take another aspect.

Things I want to do:
- Feel appreciated by my wife for who I am and not for what I can do to make her life easier
- Sky dive
- Get a motorcycle, have a thousand dollars to spend and just ride away until I run out of money
- Teach my dog, Stinky how to stay on the back of a Harley
- Learn Japanese and show up in Tokyo with enough money to stay in a hotel and eat meals for a week...and stay for a year
- Go to Bullitt, Kentucky and participate in the machine gun shoot out, using a .50 cal with unlimited rounds so that I can fire until my body shakes more than Michael J. Fox
- Lead someone to the Lord and see them become the next Billy Sunday
- Be President for a day so that at the State of the Union Address I can say, "First, I want to recognize a few people. Ted Kennedy, I recognize you by the Stoli your bloated body sweats. Hillary CLinton, shut up and get back to Chappi-whatever and give Bill a Lewinsky every day so he will leave the rest of the women alone...It'll have two benefits: One you wil have your mouth filled so we don't have to listen to your ear-shattering squawk, and two, Bill will be too tired to interfere with our doing repairs to the things he screwed up while he was in office. Barney Frank, that aint chocolate on your hands and that is why I won't shake your hand."
- Feature for Slade Ham
- Write a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" comic book and make millions
- Inspire everyone to go after their dreams and ignore the barriers and find a way around them to achieve those dreams no matter the circumstances
- Introduce the world to the blues performances of Dean Sires, the best white blues player in the world
- Build a comedy club that can make money without having to sell liquer
- Go to Ireland and experience a real pub, then take a leak on the Blarney Stone like a good Irishman
- Build a ranch where I have my house, a central meetting and eating hall, and homes for each of my friends
- Take every last knick knack my wife has bought and plastered on our home's walls and use them to have a bonfire for a weenie roast

Rush Limbaugh will retire January 21

He hasn't announced it, yet.

Since I was a kid, I have had dreams that sometimes come true. Sometimes they don't. It is hard to descern which ones are true.

It is also something I do not seek to enhance or use for any benefit.

What I have found is that when I will be goping through traumatic times, I have dreams of the trial before I actually go through it. Rush retiring isn't exactly a trauma, but it will create an empty space from noon to 3pm on weekdays.

I had a dream of basic training six months before I actually had the experience. I experienced everything from induction through processing on through getting on the bus to leave.

I had a dream of my grandmother dieing a month before it happened.

I had a dream of the house we now live in weeks before we were told by our previous landlord we had to move.

My mom had the same trait. She had a dream of JFK's assassination a month before it happened.

SO, anyway, it may not happen, but if it does, you heard it here first. I had a dream last night that Rush would be announcing his retirement would be effective January 21. THe caveat is that I have no idea what year this would be. It could be this coming year, or maybe another year. He still has a couple years left in his ABC 5-year $250million contract, and I don't think he will walk away from that.

Well, we'll see.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Hurricane Coverage is too much

FOr hours last night, Fox News covered the hurricane coming to Florida.
1930 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is coming."
1945 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is still coming."
1950 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is still coming."
1955 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is still coming."
2000 Hours: "We are forgoing the show, 'War Stories' to bring you this update. We're here in Florida. The storm is coming."
2010 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is still coming."
2015 Hours: "We're here in Florida. The storm is still coming."

Ever want to slap your kid brother for doing the "I'm not touching you," routine? That is how I felt about the storm coverage.

Oh, by the way, "We're here in Florida. The storm is coming."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Bush Won't Be Elected Again

Look at these results:

I doubt President Bush will get elected again with these numbers.

But, I sincerely believe the majority of people are dissatisfied simply because they want him and the Republicans in congress to start waging all out geo thermal nuclear war on the Democrats.

As a test, I would like those who read my blog to post a comment and simply state the following:
Political Affilliation: R/D/na
And answer this question: "Would you like to see the Republicans in the White House and Congress go on the warpath?" Yes/No/Undecided

To make it easier for me to assess, please put your post in this format:

Political: R
Queastion: Y

Saturday, October 15, 2005

See the Smurfs Blow Up Video

So far, this link has the best I have found:

All I can say it serves them right for that stupid game they had for the Intellivision in 1983.

As far as helping UNICEF...As long as they are part of the United Nations and its corruption, they are not getting a penny from me.

I Miss Iowa

Over on, someone was bragging about Texas and dissed Iowa. I had to respond. I was so moved by my own response that I will share it with you:

HEY! Don't disrespect Iowa.

Iowa has great public schools, for public schools.

Iowa has incredible corn, ham, watermelon and porkchops. The milk is fresh. The eggs are always local.

If you want to work hard, you'll have a job in Iowa.

If you want to relax, there are streams everywhere where fish will bite a bare hook, just to make you happy.

You can take your best dog and go hunting for cornfed pheasant in a farmers dormant field.

The snow in November is beautiful. In December it gaurantees a white Christmas. In January, it tests your manhood. In February, it helps you appreciate the summer that much more. In March, it gives you something to look for...the spring in April.

The mid-July two-week long heatwave gives you an excuse to get off work early and go swimming. It also helps you long for the cooler days of November.

The tornados keep you close to God. The beautiful surroundings let you know He is close by.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A response to GM

I got a lot long winded in a reply post to Ginamonster's latest. In case it doen't make the posting, I am also posting it here:

As you know, I am a Christian and all of my religious instruction comes from the Bible.

It is true that in the Old Testament, witches were to be killed. This is not the case in the New Testament.

The reason for the change was that the Old Testament dealt specifically with the Jews as a nation dedicated to establishing a worldly kingdom that was run by God. The New Testament is to establish a spiritual kingdom that is within Christians collectively.

The way to deal with anyone not a Christian in today's world is not by oppression (which of course took place, not because of Christianity, but rather a false religion that had the form of godliness that was run by unbiblical traditions rather than the actual teachings of God's Word). But, rather, the proper way to deal with witches or any other religion is to present the facts and through logical discussion allow the individual to either accept or deny the presentation of Christianity.

I am sorry that so many misguided, over zealous people who claim the name Christian are oppressive. I am sorry, but I cannot apologize as I am not the guilty party, just as I can be sorry that my brother is a drug dealer and I cannot apologize for him. He has to do that.

Man, I hope that wasn't too much.

Now, back to the topic...Since I do accept the Bible as my guide for all things spiritual, I look to its instruction of possession by spirits.

The Bible shows that objects can have special attributes...Moses' staff turned to a snake, Aaron's rod bllomed flowers...nowhere that I have found is an inanimate object ever possessed by anyone nor any spiritual being.

It does tell how people have been possessed by demons and how animals have been possesed by demons. The Bible also tells how that when people die, their spirit and soul are before God and are judged. Thus, once the body dies, the soul does not linger, but rather faces the judgement of God.

Your jewelry, and any found on eBay are just jewelry.

The Apostle Paul taught that as Christians, we are free to use whatever we need in this world to live life, with one exception. The Bible teaches that if somoene tells us that something is dedicated to the ungodly (by that, I mean purposely used to defy God), Christians are to avoid those things.

The example Paul used was eating food. Paul taught that it is ok to eat food given to us by unbelievers. However, if the giver told us that it was food dedicated to another god, we are to politely refuse it. This was not because it was necessarily evil, but that it might influence a less strong Christian that other ungodly practices are ok.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Gina officially gets the title, "hdelj". This is an honor bestowed upon those who practice reciprosity in linking back to another blog that linked to them.

Thanks, Gina "hdelj" Monster