Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A response to GM

I got a lot long winded in a reply post to Ginamonster's latest. In case it doen't make the posting, I am also posting it here:

As you know, I am a Christian and all of my religious instruction comes from the Bible.

It is true that in the Old Testament, witches were to be killed. This is not the case in the New Testament.

The reason for the change was that the Old Testament dealt specifically with the Jews as a nation dedicated to establishing a worldly kingdom that was run by God. The New Testament is to establish a spiritual kingdom that is within Christians collectively.

The way to deal with anyone not a Christian in today's world is not by oppression (which of course took place, not because of Christianity, but rather a false religion that had the form of godliness that was run by unbiblical traditions rather than the actual teachings of God's Word). But, rather, the proper way to deal with witches or any other religion is to present the facts and through logical discussion allow the individual to either accept or deny the presentation of Christianity.

I am sorry that so many misguided, over zealous people who claim the name Christian are oppressive. I am sorry, but I cannot apologize as I am not the guilty party, just as I can be sorry that my brother is a drug dealer and I cannot apologize for him. He has to do that.

Man, I hope that wasn't too much.

Now, back to the topic...Since I do accept the Bible as my guide for all things spiritual, I look to its instruction of possession by spirits.

The Bible shows that objects can have special attributes...Moses' staff turned to a snake, Aaron's rod bllomed flowers...nowhere that I have found is an inanimate object ever possessed by anyone nor any spiritual being.

It does tell how people have been possessed by demons and how animals have been possesed by demons. The Bible also tells how that when people die, their spirit and soul are before God and are judged. Thus, once the body dies, the soul does not linger, but rather faces the judgement of God.

Your jewelry, and any found on eBay are just jewelry.

The Apostle Paul taught that as Christians, we are free to use whatever we need in this world to live life, with one exception. The Bible teaches that if somoene tells us that something is dedicated to the ungodly (by that, I mean purposely used to defy God), Christians are to avoid those things.

The example Paul used was eating food. Paul taught that it is ok to eat food given to us by unbelievers. However, if the giver told us that it was food dedicated to another god, we are to politely refuse it. This was not because it was necessarily evil, but that it might influence a less strong Christian that other ungodly practices are ok.


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