Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Taxation Without Representation

Washington, DC government annoys me.

The rest of the country provides taxes to take care of the nation's capital. DC is so rife with liberalism that it is politically incorrect to question the motives of the DC leaders.

DC does not have a representative in the U. S. Congress, and as Martha Stewart says, "That's a good thing."

I cannot believe that everyone in DC is stupid. I believe they are deceived. I believe they are mis-informed about who is destroying the DC government, and they are mad, and they continue to elect the destructive people because they think they are "sticking it to the man". Why else would a coke addict like Barry get re-elected, and now, why isn't he laughed out of the media circle when he announced he is going to run for DC office?

Now, either the DC leadership is either evil, or they are stupid. Today, baseball in DC was destroyed because of these morons. Personally, I don't want interferes with my TV shows! It is too laborious for me to be interested in it. However, it is a good thing for a city. Baseball is offering to come here...practically signed everything, then the DC council decides they want to wring a few more dollars from MLB.

Additional stupidity is in how they have taxed working families into oblivion...not with taxes, but with fees and restrictions to everything a person with spending money would want to do. The only people left in DC are homeless and welfare people...but welfare people vote, and are more numerous, so, in order to hide their inability to govern, those in power take from the average income earner to give to the non-income earner.

Then, to keep the smart people quiet, they are given special favors. Then, to hide this favoritism, corrupt influences get their portion. This is driving every for-profit business out of the district. Except restaurants, which are so profitable that they can pay the "protection fees" extorted by the DC government.

Now, they DC whiners are crying, "Taxation without representation!" I say, call their bluff.

Every resident of DC is not taxed federal taxes. They don't have a voice in congress, so let them not pay taxes. (The dirty secret is that they have the ear of every congressman...even more than the constituents of the congressman's state. This is because as humans, these congressmen want to be accepted by those around them. Also, making a local government official happy means your congressman can get his license to build a pool at his DC home for free.)

No taxes would invite investment into the local economy. More investment means more jobs, which leads to better pay for local residents. To avoid taxes, some of the U. S.'s richest people will set up residence here. That would lead to more conservatives living in the District, which would lead to better leadership elected to the DC government.

Let's do it...and the sooner, the better.


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