Friday, July 23, 2004

The Sensei-ble Diet

I don't really call it a diet. I won't ever diet. Instead, I really think of it as a way to change my eating habits.

Some of my friends are on the Atkin's diet. One gave me the South Beach Diet book, which I gave back a day later. I don't have time to plan these things out. Plus, I tend to do things different from the way someone tells me to, just to be rebellious.

Food has been a pleasure in my life. I don't really eat because I am hungry. Until two months ago, I ate because I enjoyed the taste of it sat in my mouth and brought uninteruptable pleasure to my taste buds. I love the taste of a well-prepared prime rib that melts in the mouth like butter. I love the spices and cheesy goodness of good lasagna.

That was until I saw myself in the mirror with a developing double-chin. Then, even my most loose fitting suits were getting tight. My jeans were ready to burst. My waist was at an all-time girth of 50 inches.

I decided to experiment. It has been a success. The experiment was this: When making dinner, put as much food as I want on the plate. Then, grab a second plate. Put half of the food from the first plate on the second. Cover the second plate with foil and place it in the fridge for the next day.

There have been times I decided to eat the whole thing in one sitting. I did not consider this failure, but just letting myself do whatever I want. Because I did not see it as failure, I did not give up. Instead, I just did the two-plate practice next meal.

The next thing I did was that I make sure I eat breakfast every morning. It usually is a bowl of cereal, but could be fruit. Also, each morning, I take 500mg of vitamin C, 100mg of vitamin E, and I take Glucosamine Chondroitin for my arthritis.

I went from drinking 3-4 Cokes per day to 1 Coke in the morning. The rest of the day, I drink juice, milk, or water. LOTS of water. When I get a craving for caffeine, I drink water. Eating has now become an inconvenience...interrupting my enjoyments of life.

The benefits of the two-plate practice are:1. I only cook half as much as I used to...I don't need to cook every night...2. I spend half as much on groceries, 3. It is successfully droping inches and pounds from my body, 4. I don't have to read somebody's book to know how to do it.

In the last two months, I have lost over 25 pounds, and I am down to a 44 inch waist.

My goal is to get a 38 inch waist, weigh 185 pounds, then I will begin a weight training regimen to build muscle and get to 250...looking like Mr Olympia.


IF someone reads this and publishes it as a diet, I want 50% of the sales...not profits...sales income. If someone reads this and does it, tell me about your successes. I would love to hear about them.


Blogger Sensei said...

The latest report about my eating habits is that I am down to a 40 inch waist. I am wearing clothes I stored away three years ago. I am near my goal. two more inches, and I know I can do it.

26 October, 2004 10:49  

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