Monday, June 28, 2004

Git-R-Done Sunday

This weekend was great. I spent Friday at the comedy club.

Ever hear the saying that some people are so good at something that they make it look easy?

While I believe that is true, there is a saying I am working on...Some people are so BAD,and getting paid, I think I can do better.

That is how I feel about stand up comedy. Some are good, and I watch them to see how they do their craft. I learn from their mannerisms, their style, their timing. Others, I watch, and think to myself, "This is HORRIBLE! I could do better than this guy."

So, I am embarking into the realm of Stand Up. I have done some for church. Now, I will find out whether people laughed out of sympathy or because I actually made them laugh. There is so much to frown about in this world, I want to make people relieve themselves from the tension and laugh for a moment.

Well, Saturday, I spent the day with my wife. We got our eyes examined (it is SO romantic...NOT) then we had lunch at TGIFridays...I worked for TGIF a few years ago. I made pretty good money, but I had to work the worst days and nights to make good money...We spent the evening watching "Big Fish". It's not a bad movie, what I expected from Tim Burton.

Sunday morning, we went to church. Friday, I had won a megaphone at the comedy club; and, today I decided to give it to the child who could memorize the most scriptures in a month's time. It changes your voice to a robot, an alien, or just distorts it.

We have an evening service, too. After that we went home. I caught the last 30 minutes of Ron White's special on Comedy Central. I watched most of Larry the Cable Guy's special, but fell asleep from exhaustion. I also woke back up to catch the last 30 minutes of it.

That show made my weekend complete. Larry is becoming my favorite comedian, plus, he likes G. W. Bush. Git-R-Done!


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