Friday, September 30, 2005

A Change in the Blog

OK, I have used this blog to rant, rave, and ridicule.

One thing has been missing. Strating today, my blogs will take a turn to focus on my testimony as a Christian. As often as I feel necessary, I will post entries talking about either theology, or my experience as a Christian. Rather than asking What Would Jesus Do, I will tell either What Jesus Did, or What Ern Did Because Of Jesus.

OK, to start:
Jesus died on the Cross to pay for our sins that we imperfect sinners can approach a perfect, sin-less God.

In order to be reconciled to GOd, you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord. He will remove your sin and make you a new creation. Better than turning over a new leaf, He gives you a new life.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Isn't half a Mill enough?

Based on figured reported on the news, the federal and private donations to the New Orleans area is the equivalent of $500,000 per person.

Isn't that enough?