Monday, December 26, 2005

Moving to MySpace

I am so tired of having to click on the refresh when I click on Blogger sites. I am not sure what the problem is that causes only the background to load when i first click on the blogger link. So, my posts from now on will be on myspace:

I hope you drop by to see me.

Sensei Ern

Merry Monday!

I don't feel comfortable telling people who celebrate other holidays, that I don't, "Happy" whatever. I barely understnad Channuka, Hannuka, or Hannakah...I sure don't know how to spell it. And, I don't know anything about Kwanzaa, Kwanza, Kwanzaaaa.

It's like saying, "Happy lighting the candle stick, " or "Happy Bean sprouts." Whenever a Jewish person wishes me "Merry Christmas" it feels like they are saying, "I'm patronizing you because you are worshipping a false Messiah," because if they thought Jesus really is the Messiah, they would be a Christian as well.

"Happy Holidays" just is too stupid. You could just as well wish someone "Happy Friday!" because at least Friday means that the work week is over and that is something we can all celebrate...except comedians because that is when we begin work.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Jesus is the reason for the season!

He is the reason I am enjoying life.

He is the reason I can love everyone, even those I have never met.

I wish you all have a joyous Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2005

A Church with Unity

Check out

I built my church's website.

Every New Year's Eve, our church has a special program called Watch Night. It is a time where the men of our church are allowed to preach for five minutes. It is a lot of fun as you will see a range of preaching.

I tend to do an instructional message. Others do encouragement. And, others do doctrinal messages. You will see skill levels from very well done to very green with a lot of desire.

The hardest part for me is that it takes me roughly one hour of study per minute of message I present. I cannot tell you why this is. It has just always been since I first preached in 1984.

My message this year will be about getting along as Christians united in the purpose of reaching people for the Lord. God moves in and uses a church that has unity. At the same time, God allows confrontation to weed out those who refuse to be used by Him.

A church that has unity will see increible things. That church will see events that could easily be classified as miracles. Not mundane things like being bite by rattle snakes and Aunt SUzie getting healed of hemmeroids. I have seen families repaired. I have seen drunkards get clean and never go back. I have seen those who oppose the church have a solid change of heart and join, becoming the strongest Christians the world has ever seen.

Our church is small, so unity is not that difficult to achieve, but it sometimes has its issues.

By the way, when you see me refer to church, I mean the group of gathered believers. If I mean the building, I will say church building.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Pastors Are Cancelling Christmas

Something that the Grinch couldn't do, because the worship of Christ melted even his stone cold heart, is being done by some pastors of mega-churches.

They are cancelling church service on Christmas. They determine that not many people are going to come anyway because they will be busy opening presents and eating Christmas hams with cranberry sauce. They figure enough people will not be at the services to provide the support needed to fully run all of the ministries of the mega-churches.

OK, let's see if these ministers notice when people do not show up when THEIR birthday is on Sunday, and when he doesn't get the birthday bonus that most churches give.

"Pastor, we won't be in church Sunday. We will be at home eating a huge feast and remembering your birthday. We know how you feel that celebrating the birth of someone annually is a pagan practice, because no one celebrated birthdays in the Bible. By the way, see the new car my wife bought me on your birthday? We used the money we were going to give you as a love offering for your birthday as a down payment."

Just to note, Laurel Baptist Temple, my church will be having a Christmas Eve service and a Sunday service.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Southpark Character

Here's my character:

I used to watch SP a lot. In fact, some where I have a VHS copy of the original pen and ink video they used to pitch SP to Comedy Central, plus I have the original color version of that. A friend from the Discovery Channel who was a friend of a friend of someone at CC got it for me.

Today, I found a link on Free Republic that allowed me to create my own SP character.

Here's the link:

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Boy Who Was Raised A Girl

Last night, on TLC (The Learning Channel) the above title was the title of a show about a boy who had a botched circumcision. He was a twin of another boy.

Doctor (and I use that term loosely) John Money, who is a professor at Johns Hopkins, convinced the parents that the best action to take was to have the child undergo a sex change operation, be injected with female hormones and be raised as a girl rather than a boy. He then began studying the child. He made claims that the boy raised as a girl was responding as a girl should. He proposed that the experiment was a success.

For 15 years, he claimed he proved that the raising of a child as either a boy or girl was dominantly due to environment and not because of sexual orientation as a natural development. His vehement desire and pride caused him to commit the crime of child pornography, but has been given a free pass because he is apparently the most educated sex professor in the world. (He is lauded by the Gay and Lesbian Transsexual Bisexual movement.)

In 1980, when the boy turned 15, he rebelled against the upbringing he was subjected to and decided to live as a boy, and not a girl, not having been told of this by his parents until after his decision. His brother had a hard time dealing with this new knowledge. They both decided to expose Dr. Quack, but their lives were destroyed by this Dr. Mengele-wannabe.

In 2002, his brother committed suicide. The boy eventually got married, but was separated when, in 2004, he killed himself as well.


This true story shows that the idea that not all ideas deserve the right to be part of our dialogue of human thought and some things need to be ridiculed if it serves to stifle retardation and perversion masquerading as higher education. There are fatal ramifications if it isn't.

Friday, December 02, 2005

I'm Indiana Jones

You scored as Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist/adventurer with an unquenchable love for danger and excitement. He travels the globe in search of historical relics. He loves travel, excitement, and a good archaeological discovery. He hates Nazis and snakes, perhaps to the same degree. He always brings along his trusty whip and fedora. He's tough, cool, and dedicated. He relies on both brains and brawn to get him out of trouble and into it.

Indiana Jones


William Wallace


Batman, the Dark Knight


El Zorro


Lara Croft


James Bond, Agent 007


Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


Captain Jack Sparrow


The Amazing Spider-Man




Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
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