Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Boy Who Was Raised A Girl

Last night, on TLC (The Learning Channel) the above title was the title of a show about a boy who had a botched circumcision. He was a twin of another boy.

Doctor (and I use that term loosely) John Money, who is a professor at Johns Hopkins, convinced the parents that the best action to take was to have the child undergo a sex change operation, be injected with female hormones and be raised as a girl rather than a boy. He then began studying the child. He made claims that the boy raised as a girl was responding as a girl should. He proposed that the experiment was a success.

For 15 years, he claimed he proved that the raising of a child as either a boy or girl was dominantly due to environment and not because of sexual orientation as a natural development. His vehement desire and pride caused him to commit the crime of child pornography, but has been given a free pass because he is apparently the most educated sex professor in the world. (He is lauded by the Gay and Lesbian Transsexual Bisexual movement.)

In 1980, when the boy turned 15, he rebelled against the upbringing he was subjected to and decided to live as a boy, and not a girl, not having been told of this by his parents until after his decision. His brother had a hard time dealing with this new knowledge. They both decided to expose Dr. Quack, but their lives were destroyed by this Dr. Mengele-wannabe.

In 2002, his brother committed suicide. The boy eventually got married, but was separated when, in 2004, he killed himself as well.


This true story shows that the idea that not all ideas deserve the right to be part of our dialogue of human thought and some things need to be ridiculed if it serves to stifle retardation and perversion masquerading as higher education. There are fatal ramifications if it isn't.


Blogger Ginamonster said...

Amen. I remember being appalled when I saw that show too. To think those boys were toyed with in the name of science...I think the moral of the story is, you shouldn't mess with nature...He was born a boy, if his wiring said he should be a girl, HE should have been able to make that choice as an adult!

07 December, 2005 18:32  

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