Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

For several years, my wife and I have invited people from our church, those that have no one else to spend Thanksgiving with, over to our house for Thanksgiving. It has been an incredible blessing to us as much as to them.

We started this because about 10 years ago, my wife and I were alone on Thanksgiving. She made the full meal, expecting at the least, the kids would be over. However, they decided to go to friends' houses...go figure. After that year, we decided, using Jesus' parable of the wedding feast as an example, we opened our home to others.

This year, we decided to open our home to military people who cannot make it home. This was an exercise in futility. I went to the recruiting station in hopes of getting connected to some needful military personnel. After standing in the door of the Army for five minutes, without so much as a hello, I went to the Marines. The sargent spoke with me and suggested I contact the USO.

After contacting the USO, I got transferred 4-5 times with the general response, "That's not my responsibility." My final attempt got me a voice recording. On Monday, I got a message back that basically said, "We don't do that, but we are willing to accept financial donations."

So, if anyone knows of a military person in the DC area who is spending Thanksgiving alone, please comment here and you and I will get in touch.


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