Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Monday!

I don't feel comfortable telling people who celebrate other holidays, that I don't, "Happy" whatever. I barely understnad Channuka, Hannuka, or Hannakah...I sure don't know how to spell it. And, I don't know anything about Kwanzaa, Kwanza, Kwanzaaaa.

It's like saying, "Happy lighting the candle stick, " or "Happy Bean sprouts." Whenever a Jewish person wishes me "Merry Christmas" it feels like they are saying, "I'm patronizing you because you are worshipping a false Messiah," because if they thought Jesus really is the Messiah, they would be a Christian as well.

"Happy Holidays" just is too stupid. You could just as well wish someone "Happy Friday!" because at least Friday means that the work week is over and that is something we can all celebrate...except comedians because that is when we begin work.


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