Monday, December 12, 2005

Pastors Are Cancelling Christmas

Something that the Grinch couldn't do, because the worship of Christ melted even his stone cold heart, is being done by some pastors of mega-churches.

They are cancelling church service on Christmas. They determine that not many people are going to come anyway because they will be busy opening presents and eating Christmas hams with cranberry sauce. They figure enough people will not be at the services to provide the support needed to fully run all of the ministries of the mega-churches.

OK, let's see if these ministers notice when people do not show up when THEIR birthday is on Sunday, and when he doesn't get the birthday bonus that most churches give.

"Pastor, we won't be in church Sunday. We will be at home eating a huge feast and remembering your birthday. We know how you feel that celebrating the birth of someone annually is a pagan practice, because no one celebrated birthdays in the Bible. By the way, see the new car my wife bought me on your birthday? We used the money we were going to give you as a love offering for your birthday as a down payment."

Just to note, Laurel Baptist Temple, my church will be having a Christmas Eve service and a Sunday service.


Blogger Ginamonster said...

Ho-Lee crap. With so many complaining about taking christ out of Christmas, how can they cancel the mornign services? isn't that enabling? and what about the people in the congregation who were planning on attending? they'll have to go to another church. maybe they will like it better. You would think they wouls figure on a LARGER congregation that Sunday. pff. now I'm all pissed off again.

12 December, 2005 14:10  
Blogger Sensei said...


I hope these churches learn their lesson, or they will become hollowed empty halls of flightiness instead of hallowed full halls of worship.

I hope if our church ever gets big, that we don't ever know it.

It is hypocracy like this that blackens the eye of Christendom more than any ACLU attack ever could.

qiuuh: the exhausted expression of someone too tired to say the word, "quit".

12 December, 2005 15:28  

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