Monday, September 20, 2004

An Evening at Pop's

This weekend, my wife and I took a sorely needed vacation to Ocean City, MD. Most places in Ocean City cost $125 or more. We found a really nice hotel for $75 per night. It doesn't have a microwave, or an in-room hair dryer, but it has a bed, and the doors lock. Not many younger people stay there because of the lack of the extras, so it is always nice and quiet. The coolest part is that it is on the boardwalk and you can wake up to the sun rising over the ocean.

We needed the time away. I studied my comedy material, and my wife just relaxed on the balcony. The breeze was nice and the temperature was cool. It was so relaxing. We slept more over the past four days than we have over hte past two weeks.

Unfortunately for me, the residue from Florida's hurricanes made the waves choppy. The waves were solid, rising 4-6 feet, but they were unpredictable and too frequent to ride. A couple times, people gathered as some foolhardy surfer needed to be pulled out of the incessant turmoil.

Saturday, we walked the boardwalk. A few blocks down, I found a neat little shop, "Pop's Joke Shop". My wife and I went in. It was definately a tight squeeze. It was more crowded than my old bachelor apartment. Wall-to-wall gag toys. I wanted one of every thing, but I settled for a shocking stapler. It shocks the user as they press the tongs together to staple a paper. It holds quite a jolt. I also got a pen that looks like a hypodermic needle. I have always thought they were cool.

Pop's is a street comedian. His material is similar to Jay London's. The one-liner comic. He differs from Jay London in that instead of the "Please Like Me" attitude, Pop has a "Old Fart" attitude. He performs outside his shop after closing for the day. He works for tips. He offered to let me perform my routine and would split the tips.

Unfortunately, it rained. The customers stayed in their rooms and Pop closed early. I look forward to next year. I hope next summer, I can perform with him. Just the experience will be worth it.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Patriotism is not just getting in goose step with the politicians. Patriotism is loving your country so much that you do what you can to see it succeed morally.

A patriot will put his life on the line for his country, should it be asked of him.
A patriot will set aside his own dreams, should his country ask him to do so.
A patriot will speak out about injustices done by corruption of government.
A patriot, when finding a need, will say, "Here am I, send me."
A patriot will do all he can when the country is doing right, to keep it doing right; and, when it is doing wrong, he will do all he can to make it right.
A patriot will despise the burning of the Flag while defending the right of the moron doing so. (But, if you are burning it around me, make sure you are wrapped in it first.)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Time For A Change

"If you keep doing what you have been doing, you'll keep getting what you have been getting."

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results.

If you are not happy with the results of your actions, perhaps you should change your actions. Watching the protestors outside the RNC in NYC this week made me think. Have these people made any progress in making their point?

I don't think so. I would not expect it. Perhaps it is time to change. Instead of ineffective protests, they should evaluate what actions have proven effective in changing people's minds.

Perhaps they should take a page from the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth?

Or, a page from the Right To Life groups?

Getting arrested isn't doing anything for your cause. Unless...unless what you want is to get arrested because you can wear it like a badge of honor among your small circle of "friends". "Oh, yeah? I got this scar after being dragged thru the streets of Seattle." "Well, I got this third degree burn after torching a dragon in New York City." "OOOHHH! AAAHH!"